




Autumn Miene ’18 graduated from Mount Mercy大学 pursuing an entirely different career than what she had imagined as a freshman. Her time at Mount Mercy helped her to discover her true passion.

Autumn applied to Mount Mercy planning on becoming a nurse. She knew she liked helping people and solving problems, so it seemed like the perfect fit. It was during her clinical hours for her CNA class that she realized nursing was not for her.

Instead of coming into college with a clear plan, Autumn spent a lot of her time wondering what do I enjoy enough to spend the rest of my life doing? She tried out biology and chemistry, but quickly realized they were also the wrong fit. Eventually, she decided to ask her friends and family what they thought she would enjoy.

miene-autumn-class.JPG“My family and friends know me better than anyone,秋说。. “They were like, ‘ha-ha, you love to argue.’ But I also do love reading and discussing different viewpoints. They were like, ‘Why don’t you go to law school?’”

For the first two years of her career at Mount Mercy, Autumn felt like she was coasting. She wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted to do. 然后她带着博士. Richard Barrett’s Public Policy class. After she 提交ted a paper, he pulled her aside and told her he knew she could do better.

Autumn shared that it only took one person pulling her aside to get her to apply herself more. 她吃了更多的药. Barrett’s law classes and soon felt that going to law school would be her next step.

这就是博士. Barrett pulled her aside once again and asked if she was sure she wanted to go to law school. He encouraged her to try to get a job in the legal field first.

Autumn took this advice to heart, and after graduation she was on the hunt for a law-related job. She began working as a 法律助理 at a firm that practiced family law, which turned out to be a great fit.

“Family law really takes both helping and theoretical thinking and marries them together in a way that was perfect for what I was looking for,秋说。.

Family law really takes both helping and theoretical thinking and marries them together in a way that was perfect for what I was looking for.

Autumn has now worked as a 法律助理 for three years at two different firms. At her current firm, Autumn works closely with two attorneys and has 260 active cases.

Working as a 法律助理 has helped Autumn solidify her desire to go to law school. She’s also grateful for the hands-on experience she has been able to gain before going back to school.

“总有新的东西,秋分享道. “The more that I work in the field the more I realize this is just more information and more knowledge that I can use to my advantage in school and beyond.” She has taken the LSAT and plans to attend law school in the near future.

总有新的东西. The more that I work in the field the more I realize this is just more information and more knowledge that I can use to my advantage in school and beyond.


Autumn’s time at Mount Mercy gave her the opportunity to discover her true passion and to make meaningful connections along the way. Dr. Barrett, in particular, made a big impact on Autumn’s experience.

“[Dr.] Barrett played a large part in my personal growth,秋分享道, “as a thinker and being a decent person.”

In addition to her academics, Autumn was an involved member of the Mount Mercy community. She served as a Student Ambassador and was in Student Senate.

“Those are experiences that I don’t think I could’ve gotten anywhere else,秋说。. Her involvement in and outside of the classroom allowed her to build strong relationships with her classmates.

[Dr.] Barrett played a large part in my personal growth as a thinker and being a decent person.


“I found my people here,秋说。. Autumn met her fiancé and closest friends during her time at Mount Mercy.

Autumn encourages students to take a more holistic approach to deciding on their career. It was hands-on experience that revealed that nursing was not the right path for Autumn, and hands-on experience that revealed law was her passion.

She encourages students who are considering law school to follow Dr. Barrett’s advice and get firsthand experience with law. Whether that’s through shadowing, talking with attorneys, or working as a 法律助理. Overall, she encourages everyone to make the choice that’s right for them.

“Don’t go to law school because you think you have to,” Autumn advises. “去吧,因为你想去. Go when it’s the right time for you.”


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